
UTIARPE - Convívio- Final de cursos 2010~2011

Num Restaurante da Cidade, reuniram docentes e discentes dos cursos da Utiarpe - Universidade da Terceira idade da Arpe .
Uma excelente amizade uniu todos os intervenientes.


Aulas de Inglês 2010 / 2011 * UTIARPE - E.S.Maria Lamas , quase a terminar

Estão quase a terminar as aulas deste ano lectivo. Fica aqui a receita dos MUFFINS da Dr.ª Liliana Mineiro . A receita dos SCONES busquem na Internet .


Ingredients list:

¾ lb chocolate chips.
1/3 lb of soft butter.
4 medium eggs.
2 ½ cups of flour.
1 cup of sugar.
¼ cup of milk.
1 tablespoon of baking powder.
½ teaspoon of vanilla extract.
½ teaspoon of salt.


Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) and butter your muffin pan.
Beat the butter and the vanilla extract together to form a light, airy mixture.
One at a time, add the eggs, and beat gently.

Add ¼ cup of the sugar after each egg and mix thoroughly

Put the baking powder and salt in the milk, then add to the mixture.
Fold in the flour and the chocolate chips.
Pour the mix into your buttered muffin pan, filling each cup two-thirds full.
Bake for 25 minutes or until the muffins turn golden brown